
One Minute Wwise | Creating a Wwise Plugin

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How to create a very simple Wwise gain plugin and how to use it in Wwise. No commercials, no lengthy introductions!

Let's create a simple Wwise Gain Plugin. To do so...
1. Create a new plugin...
2. ... add some processing code, and map it to a property ... 
3. ... then build and use it in Wwise. 
But before we do so, start by installing... 
* ... Python with these libraries ...
* ... Visual Studio with this Windows SDK version ...
* ... and Wwise along with the platforms you need it for. 
We'll just be making a Wwise Gain plugin for Authoring. Okay, let's navigate to the directory of where you want to create the plugin. Then access command prompt, like this. Then create a new plugin based on this file, from your Wwise version, choose effect and premake it, which creates a solution we can use with Visual Studio. Here, in the XML we've got this dummy property that remains to be used for something. Let's use it to control the gain level. So in the FX.cpp file, in execute, let's multiply the samples with the dummy property. And for proper dB scaling, convert the multiplication like this, add a decibels flag in the XML, and change the value restriction. Okay, so set it to release, save, and build it. And then add it to a sound in Wwise. That's it!

* Creating the Authoring Plugin Part:
* Creating the Sound Engine Plugin Part:
* Prerequisites to working with plugins:
* Wwise plugin ADC presentation:
* Custom XML Property Descriptions (Like "DataMeaning"):
* More on AK_DBTOLIN:
* Simple 3D Plugin:
* Simplified plugin pipeline:
* Sam Mackie's Wwise Plugin Github:
* Quantum Break Wwise Plugin:

* Get Visual Studio:
* Get Python:

Want to find more examples of Wwise plugins? 
- Go to your "Wwise installation"/SDK/samples/Plugins folder.

What solution to open with Visual Studio: 
vc140 - Visual Studio 2015
vs150 - Visual Studio 2017
vs160 - Visual Studio 2019